Monday, March 26, 2012

Fedora 16 Disk Parting error at Anaconda

I have been learning Linux from some time, I was on RHEL, i.e. Red hat, but not until recently, I started trying out other variants of Linux starting from Fedora which is also a same source from Red hat.

While installing in any mode like auto mode via VMware or with custom disk layout, I was getting the following error:


“You have not create a boot loader stage1 on target device, the target device being the VMware regular vhdd.  After few searching on net, found that the new upgraded Anaconda Installer will not create the GUID Boot Partition table (which is simply a space for storing info on disk partitions) by itself.


Like the same way we create a / or /Home or /Boot, actually like how we allocate space for swap, we need to allocate the same way for BIOS Boot file system and the capacity must be restricted to 1-2 MB only, even more it does not accept, that’s all, the problem is solved.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

For Each Loop is a reference type

A small clarity in the way we write code gives a lot of time to save while coding, for example:

Earlier I used to use for each loop to iterate through elements of a list and then modify them, copy them to a third variable and then copy them back to a  the original.  However, recently I came to know that For Each Loop is a reference type, hence now I can simply just modify loop elements without creating a new list and copy back the items.

By getting clarity on what we are doing is good, and having good grip of what is going on under is excellent to shorten the code.  I see coders writing code with all the wildcards, I still can’t understand that, a lot more distance to go.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dictionary or Observable Collection

I got used to use the Dictionary(of key, value) type for all objects that of list type but has some unique values like in roll numbers or IDs etc.

Later, I changed from default form apps to wpf apps, now the functionality of dictionary is same but with System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(of type) is very helpful due to WPF binding feature and mainly due to the INotify character of this type.

But Dictionary is lot more convenient to code in background, but, I am forced to use list, the only reason to change from Dictionary to Observable Collection is to reduce the amount of time on code for handing the GUI sync (two way binding)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Preview Could be Better

We know that Windows 8 Consumer preview is a stunt for advertising and for creating a hype of the product before its release, however, if few more features like the Metro (Copenhagen) concept should had been included to make it better.

From my view, giving the same start menu for all devices like tablets, mobiles and desktop may not be a good one, below is a image of it:


I hope a option would be provided to disable such menu.  The major dis-satisfaction is the consumer preview does not come with the new desktop interface that got the hype on net.