Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Option I find Interesting

In MS Office One Note, we can paste the content from net,and we can also insert or save files to it, like copy file from explorer and paste the file in one note, so all our files can be in one spot like a single zip many be not with compression.

The option that caught my eye is “Insert the file as printout so I can add notes to it”


By this we can not only drop the file, but we can drop and read the file at the same time without any need to open the file from one note and also the search can now yield results from the dropped file. Open-mouthed smile

Sunday, February 19, 2012

jobs–Linux Bash

jobs is a command that shows what all tasks are pending or working in background.  For example: you open a man page say ‘man lvcreate’ and close it by ‘ctrl+z’ key combo, then the actual man is not closed, but is running in background.

When we use ‘jobs’ we can see the running background tasks like this:


To bring the task foreground we need to use the command this way:

‘fg 1’ where 1 is the jobs number.

Then we can close the task with the application specific method like ‘q’, ‘esc’, ‘exit’ or ‘alt+f4’.  ‘q’ key is used to quit man pages.

To send the application or job back to background we need to use the ‘bg 1’ where 1 is the job number listed in ‘jobs’ output.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Add New HDD to Red Hat Linux

You can add new HDD to Linux when it is off and it gets detected after it is ON.  However, configuring a new HDD is a bit different on Linux then in Windows, however, if we compare the GUI, the options are are simple, like Disk Management in Windows, we use Disk Utility for this purpose. Below process is on how to do it with CLI:

Firstly, check if the new HDD is detected, example by running Fdisk, you will see sdb, (sdx where x is a,b,c etc stating the number of HDD).  We can also see for a device name in ‘/dev/’ folder.  Example like in below:

New HDD in CLI


New HDD in dev

To first make the disk usable, we need to convert it to a MSDOS HDD type and this can be achieved by:



parted /dev/sdb


Now, your HDD is ready for use, just use mkpart or mkpartfs for creating partitions.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Linux Root Password Changing

Recently I loaded Red Hat Linux Enterprise on my PC for the purpose of learning it and due to my old compromising keyboard I mistyped my password for the two times and then I was in a state of NO PC as I used the same password for the User and ROOT.

But just a click on net, I found the process of modifying the root password, and it is very simple.


1. At the GRUB loader press ‘a’ for editing the one time boot instance, replace ‘quite’ default value with ‘1’ meaning single user mode.

2.  The system loads directly into ROOT user mode with out asking for password.

3.  Then you know what to do, run ‘passwd root’ in the terminal/bash then it asks for new password.  Reboot normally.

Well, now you are the administrator again Open-mouthed smile.